Charting a new course
Charting a new course
Quick! Think of a classic, unique-to-Northwood class. Chances are the first philosophy course you took and reading essays in “When We Are Free” come to mind. That foundational class (Philosophy of American Life and Business) introduces NU students to the importance of freedom and free enterprise to human progress and prosperity, as well as to...
By Kate Hessling
Friends of liberty invited to programming featuring Free To Choose Network CEO
Friends of liberty invited to programming featuring Free To Choose Network CEO
Robert Chatfield, president and CEO of the Free to Choose Network, will be visiting Midland, Michigan, on Tuesday, Oct. 11, as part of Northwood University’s Omniquest program. Omniquest is a university-wide program in which a committee selects a provocative and challenging book each semester. The book’s theme is then adopted for discussion and analysis during...
By Kate Hessling
Sharing The Northwood Idea to the rest of the world
Sharing The Northwood Idea to the rest of the world
Northwood University is announcing the latest in an online series of lessons about freedom and free-market economics. The lesson posted Sept. 16, “The Constitution, Rules and Games,” is taught by Dr. Glenn Moots, who chairs Northwood’s Political Science and Philosophy Department. “Viewers from all education levels and backgrounds will appreciate Dr. Moots’ engaging lecture,” stated...
By Kate Hessling
Video discusses ‘The Constitution, Rules and Games’
Video discusses ‘The Constitution, Rules and Games’
Northwood University is announcing the latest in an online series of lessons about freedom and free-market economics. The lesson posted Friday, “The Constitution, Rules and Games,” is taught by Dr. Glenn Moots, who chairs Northwood’s Political Science and Philosophy Department. “Viewers from all education levels and backgrounds will appreciate Dr. Moots’ engaging lecture,” stated Dr....
By Kate Hessling
New speaker series to feature influential business leaders
New speaker series to feature influential business leaders
Northwood University is pleased to announce a new speaker series, “Leadership Insights – A View from the Helm” to give our greater community access to influential and effective leaders. “‘A View from the Helm’ is a term introduced in a book by the same name, written by Dr. James Duderstadt, who served as president of...
By Kate Hessling
New lesson posted in free online course promoting free-market economics
New lesson posted in free online course promoting free-market economics
Northwood University is announcing the third of an online series of lessons for anyone interested in The Northwood Idea and free-market economics. The Northwood Idea exists as a timeless set of values that adapts to changing conditions while remaining steadfast as a guiding light, explained Dr. Dale Matcheck, who chairs the Economics Department at Northwood...
By Kate Hessling
Research looks at drivers of individual analytics and its effect on decision quality and regret
Research looks at drivers of individual analytics and its effect on decision quality and regret
Research from a team that included a pair of Northwood University professors about the drivers of individual analytics and its effect on decision quality and regret was presented during an international conference over the weekend. Kevin McCormack and Marcos Oliveira partnered with Peter Trkman (University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business) and Marcelo Bronzo...
By Kate Hessling