Food Delivery Apps Should Be Celebrated, Not Regulated
Food Delivery Apps Should Be Celebrated, Not Regulated
Enjoying massive popularity since the Covid-19 pandemic, food delivery apps will likely remain a customer favorite and part of the restaurant market for the foreseeable future. But like many other gig-economy apps, these food delivery services have recently come under scrutiny. This has led cities to propose new regulations such as delivery service fee caps...
By Trey Price
Big Firms Are Hardly Invincible. Just Ask Blackberry
Big Firms Are Hardly Invincible. Just Ask Blackberry
Sometimes a company can seem so large that its position in the market appears unassailable. However, history teaches us that even a seeming behemoth can quickly be brought down by new competition. The sudden decline of the smartphone giant Blackberry illustrates how big does not mean invincible and reveals how allowing companies to compete and...
By Trey Price